Large Hands-on Package


This package is for 20 hours of Infinite Space services. It offers a 20% discount from our $75 hourly rate.

This package includes an initial 1-hour consultation and then any variation of 20 hours of clutter clearing, organizing, shopping, design, and decorating. Donations are taken away, free of charge!

Once the package is purchased Infinite Space will contact you within 24 hours for initial scheduling.

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All packages are refundable until the end of the first session. minus hours used.

After the first session package are non-refundable, but they do not expire. Packages are non-transferrable.

Ability to fulfill the terms of the package is subject to Infinite Space’s availability. Infinite Space will always reach out, but clients are responsible for scheduling all sessions, phone calls, and appointments.

If we are not able to schedule an initial consultation, the package is fully refundable.